xSQL Schema Compare SDK for SQL Server version 12
Comparison Examples

The following topics provide examples for the most common tasks that you can perform with xSQL Schema Compare SDK. The source code is included with the SDK installation setup and it is located in xSQL Software\SDK\xSQL Schema Compare SDK v<n>\Samples. 

A Comparison Walkthrough

Demonstrates a typical database comparison scenario with details for each step that is required.


Creating a Database Snapshot

Demonstrates how to create a snapshot of the database.   


Scripting a Database Object

Demonstrates how to generate the T-SQL for a database table.


Creating a Database Snapshot

Demonstrates how to create the database schema from a database snapshot file. 


Comparing Database Schema

Demonstrates how to perform a simple compare between two SQL Server databases.


Synchronizing Database Schema

Demonstrates how to synchronize the schema of two SQL Server databases.


Entity Filters

Demonstrates the usage of entity filters to include or exclude database objects from the comparison and synchronization.


Excluding Database Objects

Demonstrates how to exclude database objects from the comparison